I have met my new cousin (once removed), Smudge, who is actually not named Smudge, but who we call Smudge anyway. She is 8 months old and we, the two Girl Cousins are going to take over the world. Just. You. Wait.
Furthermore, we have discovered, awkwardly, that I am the only Cousin who is currently single. This is a) a first and b) a pressure-filled situation to be in since my grandmother added a loud-ass aside to a toast: "And those of you who are still unattached, GET GOING!" It is assumed that my AWOL cousin woke in a sweat back in New York at those words, with a sudden urge to head to a bar.* She is thinking: seven thousand grandchildren and between all of you you come up with one lousy baby? Oy.
I feel like I have more funny stories but I can't think of them just now. Traveling is like getting my head whacked seventy times with the remains of a bull elephant, but there's not a ton of sun in Vermont so other than the sleep deprivation and the constant Loud I handled reunion okay. Now, though, my entire building has no power and I am typing this at work because I am a rebel. No really. Okay more later.
*This order is particularly amusing following her Birthday Question. Q: Grandma, what have you learned in your 87 years? A: To keep mah mouth shut!
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