I figure (now it is like 2 days later) I should give a little What I've Learned talk. What have I learned?
1. Canadians have fantastic envelopes. No, really, Canada, I commend you. Some of those envelopes are like butter. I want to keep them and touch them all the time. (That doesn't sound weird and slightly creepy, right?)
2. People who tape envelopes shut are unspeakably obnoxious
3. When interning, one's day consists almost entirely of envelope rants.
4. I am a workaholic. In that, I leave only after begging nonfiction editor if I can borrow the science book I've been working my way through, so that I can finish finding useable excerpts and email her a type-up of everything I have.
I actually do want to write more, but I am currently back on campus for a couple days being happy, if exhausted, and am running off to Maryland to cure my stir-craziness and see some friends who are running away to France next semester, and I can't think of what I meant this post to be about, except that I've been wanting to tell y'all about Canada's envelopes for, like, DAYS. Anyway, I promise I'll reflect more on my future career later.
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