At keeping up with this these days.
Anyway, the Rejectionist has had another uncontest: december resolutions! Going off my friend, the Narrative Addict's rules for the various Lents he declares when he feels fat, I have chosen a few reasonable and a few completely unattainable goals.
Attainable: write! 500 words a day. Of anything. Actually I haven't been doing that well with this but I'm giving myself a tiny bit of leeway because I DID spend 6 hours working on my creative writing project and it just feels like that counts.
Unattainable: Buy and keep a hat for longer than a week (I lost the one I bought last Wednesday last Friday.)
Attainable: When my knees hurt too much for me to participate in Social Activities, I will stop sulking and view it as an opportunity to do laundry, read in bed, or go to sleep early.
Unattainable: Spend less money on caffeine.
Attainable: No shame December! (Narrative Addict and I figure it's...good for us.)
In other news: I am frustrated as hell with writing right now. I stayed up most of the night not getting anything done, which was really not the best plan. I should've sent myself to bed before I got too worked up about the whole thing because now I'm running off 2 hours of sleep and am even less rational than usual. Plus, the less I sleep the longer it takes my joints to warm up and work like normal joints.
What else, what else. Two more weeks of school (yeah, we get off on the 23rd. It's a little absurd.) and then like 10 days of break and then I go to Mexico. I am exhausted.
I am reading a lot though, outside of school. It's just sort of what I do instead of procrastinating too heavily on the internet. It's still procrastinating but it's procrastinating in the spirit of Project Well-Read. Currently reading Lamb by Christopher Moore which is HILARIOUS and a really good choice after all my pretty dense/intense reading of the past few months.
I have nothing else to say. Just did an hour of submissions. No gems, good or bad, really. Mostly everyone was just pretty mediocre. Or maybe I'm just too tired to appreciate their genius.
No, I think they were just pretty mediocre.
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