Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hello five in the morning, how are you today?

This is why stress is bad, lovelies! Although I appreciate that my body waited till after finals to go batshit.

I turned in my last final (creative writing) yesterday, which was very excited, and I plan to start driving home in approximately four hours. All my friends left yesterday so I had what was actually a really pleasant night eating a lot and then I went to bed at 10, which is pretty much unheard of. I can't figure out if it's just too many hours on my bed, with the sleeping early plus the lazing about all evening or if I'm getting sick but I have been awake since about 3:30 with what feels a lot like fever aches and a headache.

So I gave up on sleep for now, took some ibuprofin, am eating some nilla wafers, watching a little TV and hopefully I'll get a couple hours more sleep before I have to drive.

I don't really have internet in Michigan so blog may be on hiatus (because I update it so regularly to begin with) and then I go to Mexico January 4th! That will be exciting.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My face made friends with my chair

Isn't it odd, friends, that despite having an exciting, action-packed autoimmune disease, most of my serious hospital ventures in the past 6 or so years have been utterly unrelated? For example, having my lemon-sized cyst removed was by far my most serious procedure to date. Or how about my foot surgery that was the result of breaking my toe during a game of keep-the-balloon-off-the-ground?

Or, just for fun, let's consider last night. It was a nice night, ladies and gentlemen. I wrote several pages of my Chaucer paper (it's going to be nauseatingly long but I'm having so much fun with it) I cleaned my room (which for those of you who have ever SEEN my room is really an impressive feat. No, really. I cleaned it thoroughly), I watched some Blackadder, and then I fell asleep at one in the morning.

Not odd yet.

I woke up at four and realized I'd fallen asleep without really getting ready for bed. I got up, changed into pants that were less sweltering than my sweats, brushed my teeth, started my Harry Potter audiobook (shut up.) and sat on the edge of my bed to take a drink of water.

Somehow that drink of water ruined everything. I am told I must've swallowed it wrong, but instead of coughing and hacking what happened was I had an intense sudden chest pain and felt really dizzy. Next thing I knew, I woke up on the ground with my nose bleeding profusely and my right eye burning. Waking up to pain is one of the most discombobulating experiences ever, and sometimes if it's after surgery it freaks the nurses out if you wake up and cry and then they give you more morphine, which is fun. But in this case I just made a lot of noise before I even figured out where I was, that the wet on my face was blood, and that chest pain and preceded the fall (at first I thought I'd just fallen out of bed in my sleep).

I went to the ER, more because I was terrified than because I thought something was really wrong. I felt okay, not dizzy or anything, but I have never fainted before so I was FREAKED OUT, yo.

Turns out if you go to the ER on a Saturday night NOT drunk off your ass, they don't really know what to do with you, but the doctor was very nice and calmed me down and I was in the ER from 4 til about 8 in the morning. Everything was normal (the ninety-seven tests they did, including an EKG and a CAT scan). The doctor said it was called an "esophageal spasm" which is, I guess, exactly what it sounds like. He said it's not uncommon, though normally it doesn't happen so bad that one would pass out from it. So we're all clear there. Hooray.

Now I am very sleepy, have the rest of my Chaucer paper to write (though may ask for an extension) and my eye is really puffy and bruise-y.

So that was my Saturday night. Raise your hand if you are jealous!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I am the worst

At keeping up with this these days.

Anyway, the Rejectionist has had another uncontest: december resolutions! Going off my friend, the Narrative Addict's rules for the various Lents he declares when he feels fat, I have chosen a few reasonable and a few completely unattainable goals.

Attainable: write! 500 words a day. Of anything. Actually I haven't been doing that well with this but I'm giving myself a tiny bit of leeway because I DID spend 6 hours working on my creative writing project and it just feels like that counts.
Unattainable: Buy and keep a hat for longer than a week (I lost the one I bought last Wednesday last Friday.)
Attainable: When my knees hurt too much for me to participate in Social Activities, I will stop sulking and view it as an opportunity to do laundry, read in bed, or go to sleep early.
Unattainable: Spend less money on caffeine.
Attainable: No shame December! (Narrative Addict and I figure it's...good for us.)

In other news: I am frustrated as hell with writing right now. I stayed up most of the night not getting anything done, which was really not the best plan. I should've sent myself to bed before I got too worked up about the whole thing because now I'm running off 2 hours of sleep and am even less rational than usual. Plus, the less I sleep the longer it takes my joints to warm up and work like normal joints.

What else, what else. Two more weeks of school (yeah, we get off on the 23rd. It's a little absurd.) and then like 10 days of break and then I go to Mexico. I am exhausted.

I am reading a lot though, outside of school. It's just sort of what I do instead of procrastinating too heavily on the internet. It's still procrastinating but it's procrastinating in the spirit of Project Well-Read. Currently reading Lamb by Christopher Moore which is HILARIOUS and a really good choice after all my pretty dense/intense reading of the past few months.

I have nothing else to say. Just did an hour of submissions. No gems, good or bad, really. Mostly everyone was just pretty mediocre. Or maybe I'm just too tired to appreciate their genius.

No, I think they were just pretty mediocre.