Okay I actually find it surprisingly difficult to make myself update this blog when things are actually happening health-wise. Which is, I guess, mildly ironic/irrational/wrong since the whole point of this is "hey look I'm immunointeresting and here's how it affects me and here's how it does not affect me because I am functioning in the following ways."
But anyway.
For the past eleven years I have had low blood pressure. Insanely predictable, constant, low blood pressure. I think we decided that "low" is my "normal"...any time by blood pressure comes up average they ask if I am stressed or in pain. Right now, though, my blood pressure is inexplicably high, coinciding with a sudden dip in kidney function, as I found out on Monday.
Dealing with this in the following ways:
-getting on blood pressure medication, less because we think my heart is going to explode and more because it should lessen the pressure in my kidneys and maybe make them function more
-trying to...what's the phrase? Calm the fuck down. Right.
-crying occasionally.
-figuring out how to ask my parents to help me pay for aforementioned new med without worrying them. Made more difficult by the fact that I am perhaps overly worried.
-continuing to do this semester. Taking a break right now to sleep and do laundry since I don't have anything major due tomorrow, then moving on.
Urgh is, I think, the word that best describes this moment.
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